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Unlock ongoing rewards with our Management's Referral Program!

Simply refer someone to our property management services, and if they sign on, you’ll earn a continuous 3% commission for the duration of their contract. Imagine this: for a villa worth 200,000 per month, you’ll receive 6,000 monthly – that’s 72,000 a year. If the contract persists for a decade, your total earnings could reach an impressive 720,000! It’s straightforward – recommend our services, l you start earning. There’s no limit to how many clients you can refer, meaning your earning potential is unlimited. Join our referral program today and start benefiting from every successful recommendation you make!” This refined approach emphasizes the ease and potential lucrative nature of the program, encouraging more participation and engagement.

At Inter Property Phuket, we understand the power of personal connections, and we believe in rewarding our valued clients for spreading the word. By recommending our property management services to a friend, you’re not only introducing them to a team dedicated to excellence but also ensuring both of you benefit from the financial advantages of an extra 2% commission. Strengthen your network, elevate your property management experience, and let the rewards speak for themselves as you and your friend enjoy the advantages of our distinguished services.

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Friends Recommended
0 +
Happy Villa Owners
0 +
Bonus Commission Paid
0 %

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